[Sleeper] Rhys Medwin

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Rhys Medwin
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[Sleeper] Rhys Medwin

Post by Rhys Medwin »

Name: Rhys Mitchell Medwin
Birthday: March 13, 1992
Pronouns/Gender: He/Him

Physical Description: At his best, Rhys looks like he strolled right out of a sexy vampire movie. He has precisely the right combination of pale skin and dark, chin-length hair for the role, with defined cheekbones, a clean jawline, and soft, sensual lips. His blue eyes always seem to be hiding secrets. At 5’6”, Rhys has a slim and very well-toned physique that finishes off the slightly supernatural look.

Unfortunately he works long hours, and it’s insomnia that keeps him up at night rather than vampirism, so usually you just get a tired-looking guy with his hair in a messy ponytail, dark circles under his eyes, and a complexion that borders on anemic. He wears masks regularly both on and off the clock, but even without he can be hard to read emotionally.

When not in coveralls or surgical gear, Rhys prefers simplistic and practical clothing, cool tones, and wears no jewelry or piercings. It's rare to see him without a small, messenger-style crossbody bag, either faded grey canvas or black leather, that is used to tote around emergency medication. He’s not modest for modesty’s sake, but dresses to avoid questions about recent bruises from clumsy mishaps, and a long scar on the right of his chest that looks uncannily like the start of a Y-incision.

Occupation: Medical Examiner

Personality: Rhys approaches life with the understanding that nothing lasts forever, and the experience that good things are especially fleeting. He is quite friendly, but would prefer to take the role of observant listener rather than engage in the back and forth sharing required to form lasting connections with others. He holds himself at a distance from the world, and is used to others filling in that space with expressions like aloof, disdainful, or indifferent. At worst, his reticence has earned him accusations of being shallow, two-faced, and utterly vapid.

Past the surface he is patient and tolerant, deeply empathetic, an excellent confidante even though he never quite reciprocates this trust and confides in return. Rhys will go to great lengths to minimize the suffering of others, yet he accepts personal suffering as an inevitability, and deems it entirely unworthy of other people’s time.

Under this double standard he works too hard, downplays the effects of frequent nightmares and insomnia, hardly lets his body rest, and runs his immune system into the ground. The most effective way to earn his friendship involves frequent and unsolicited coffee.

Backstory: Rhys was always considered an unlucky child. He was born in Wales, the youngest of four brothers and inarguably the runt of the family. Scrawny and clumsy and prone to illness, he was no stranger to feeling like a burden, often just making things worse by trying to make things better.

Rhys moved to Canada very early in childhood. He did well enough in school to make up for his poor attendance, and even started on the post-secondary path to a medical degree. Every small victory cost him dearly in those university years. Finding his own apartment led to his isolation as he crammed his hours with study and part time jobs. Signing up for fitness classes greatly improved his health, appearance, and confidence, but the intense pressure of med school turned his dedication into an unhealthy coping mechanism. Earning his medical degree ultimately cost him his future as a doctor, after being attacked with a knife during a training shift in the emergency department.

Dispirited and struggling to cope with untreated PTSD, Rhys somehow scraped up the pieces of his latest catastrophe and found his calling in the peace and quiet of the morgue. He continued his medical training in the form of forensic pathology, and in the years leading up to his full certification the symptoms of his PTSD lessened.

He was immediately accepted to a medical examiner post in St. Raymond once his training and examinations were finished, and has been waiting for the karmic retribution for this good fortune every day since.

  • Power: -1
  • Finesse: 0
  • Mind: 2
  • Arcane: 1
HP: 7
word count: 699
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