Name: James Rider David Verone-Washington [say that five times fast!] but he goes by Rider.
Age: mid twenties.
Rider's an average height, somewhere around 5'8" or 5'9", and average in weight -- not average as in 'skinny' but average as in 'squishy around the middle.' He's not too chubby in the face, he's not overweight enough that most people would notice, but he's shy about taking his shirt off and makes a comfortable sort of pillow. Think of him as a runner who stopped running and started eating too much greasy pizza and pasta covered in cheese and butter.
Hair/Eye/Skin Colors:
Rider's heritage is clearly Italian, enough that he's got the Mediterranean olive skin, and his hair is a dark brown that borders on black. His eyes, at a glance, look like a dark dark brown -- but upon further investigation, they prove to be a midnight blue. His hair is kept carefully short, and generally styled with some kind of godawful goop so that it sticks up some in the front -- except for special occasions, when he slicks it back.
He used to be a con man, with a partner/father figure of his; they stole and manipulated important magical items from people to sell for their own profit, generally on commission. However, after his partner died, he snapped a bit.
Now Rider is obsessive compulsive to a near-crippling degree. I say near-crippling because it's not, but it's close; the kind of obsessive compulsive that organizes all his magical supplies into carefully labeled and alphabetized test tubes [he keeps them in a small, black medicine bag like what a person with diabetes would carry his insulin in]. The kind of obsessive compulsive that has to take a 22 minute long shower every morning, with the same routine, or else he goes through the entire day feeling like his skin is crawling. The kind of obsessive compulsive that can't leave dishes in the sink, or the kitchen uncleaned, and who doesn't really like to be touched.
His mother's side of the family is Upper Middle Class Connecticut . From this side of the family, he gets a certain awkward, tight-lipped edge to his relationships, unwilling to admit how he feels. His parents divorced when he was 11, so his father's side of the family hasn't had much impact.
Since the death of his business partner, he's gone a little skitterish. The OCD wasn't bad before that, and he didn't used to smoke 2 packs a day either. He also didn't used to be quite so shy.
Also: Kevin makes him blush. And flustered. And gooey, in a sickeningly loving kind of way. The kind of loving that makes you want to kick him.
The OCD kicks in again. Rider wears nice shoes, nice socks, slacks, a white t-shirt undershirt, and a collared shirt with all the buttons done up and tucked in. On a casual day, he *might* leave the shirt untucked. Maybe. But probably not.
He likes blues and browns the best, with some greens and khaki and cream. Neutral-ish colors.
He also has an awesome grey peacoat that has been magic-ified to basically serve as not only protection against spells but also a suit of armor.
Important Features:
On his ring finger, he wears a very simple, very masculine, wide ring set vertically with several tiny diamonds.
I do enjoy seeing him dressed up fantasy-like as well. (: