Ever is a 24-year-old vampire who looks more like he's 17. He's 5'11" and weighs around 125 pounds - for the record, this is pretty severely underweight. His features are sharp and hawkish, his nose about a size and a half too large for his face, with a bend in the bridge from where it was broken once and never properly set.
Skin color is very pale, with almond-shaped black eyes - not brown but *black*, like the pupils have dilated up to completely absorb the iris [because this is, in fact, what has happened]. His hair is a snowy white, soft and fluffy, and is usually cut into wild spikes. It varies in length, sometimes cropped closer to his head and sometimes longer, but it never grows past the bottom of his ears. He has a spiderweb of slashing scars up the insides of his arms, from the elbow to the wrist and continuing up his palm to the tips of his fingers.
He does have fangs, but he only flashes them when he's threatening someone, or when he smiles too big. Probably more likely the latter than the former.
Personality wise, he's something of a dick. Snarky and somewhat fatalistic, he likes to push peoples' buttons and is willing to accept the consequences of doing so. He's extremely social, partly because he goes hunting in social places - like bars, clubs, restaurants - but he also isn't completely connected to reality. He manipulates people, but it's still surprisingly easy to manipulate him. When he smiles, it's more of a crooked wry expression, as opposed to a joyful smile. He's also...pretty...crazy. In a dissociative disorder kind of way. And he's queer as a three dollar bill, with a preference toward older men. ^.^
Clothing is your choice.
He'd likely wear all shades of black and white, his clothing worn soft with holes in the most commonly used areas - knees, the hem/elbows of his shirt, around the bottom of his pants, black jeans or sweat pants and layered shirts/hoodies. It'd all likely be big and comfortable. His boots would be sturdy and ancient. He might or might not carry an old black messenger bag over one shoulder, with emergency supplies [like a change of boxers] in it.
Alternately, he might wear something crazier, still in black and white and green and gold [his favorite color is green]..an example outfit, something he ACTUALLY wore in RP at one point:
The sluagh mien, pale skinned with dark smudges around his eyes, gives the frame for Ever's voile. Add to that the rest of it - a pair of steel-toed boots in deep green and shiny black, with brilliant green laces gone ratty and smudged with age; bondage pants in a muted plaid of black, green, white, with faint hints of gold, torn at the knees and worn thin all over; a black shirt, simple and soft; a brilliantly white frock coat with swirling green velvet cutouts, green velvet cuffs and collars, shiny gold buttons; a pair of dollar-store sunglasses, and finally topped off with white owl feathers braided into his hair, disappearing into fluffy white spikes.
He *always* wears a slim silver lightning bolt pendant on a long black cord around his neck, though it might be tucked into his shirt. He's generally smoking something heavy duty, like unfiltered camels. He might, potentially, be wearing what looks like a lady's engagement ring, set with a remarkable emerald and two pieces of glass that are meant to be diamonds, on his pinky finger.